
Thursday, April 7, 2016

"The shoot-the-messenger mentality has doomed any number of
military leaders, business leaders, coaches, parents. It's been widely
reported that Saddam Hussein practices this, with much the same
result as Hitler's. Literally shooting bearers of bad news is horrific
enough, but the crime of shooting ourselves rather than rationally
dealing with accurate information is arguably worse!"
-The New Psycho-cybernetics

Why are we so hard on ourselves? Why are we so forgiving to friends who confide in us yet ruthless with our own issues? It is indeed a moral issue whether we apply the lessons we've learned. How disrespectful is it to ignore your own wisdom? We learn all these hard lessons, digest them, come to insightful conclusions and then just throw it out the window.

I am inspired to stop being so damn passive, and I mean this in a general, approach-to-life kind of way. I'm always thinking that I'd like to be happy, or successful, or creative, but I just wait around for these things to happen to me. It's like I subconsciously believe that they are a matter of luck. I never consider aggressively seeking them.

Well these are habits that are beginning to take shape. I like these lively ideas. The most inspiring people I've encountered and known have always been the fiery ones. They tend to be quick to anger, quick to ecstatic joy, and just excited in general.

Why are people so afraid of going after they want with everything they have? Is it possible, as the author states in The New Psycho-cybernetics, to approach the subject of acquiring happiness in a cold and systematic way? 

I am testing that out.

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